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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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georgia's president saakashvili admits defeat for his party and parliamentary elections despite reports of massive electoral fraud and ballot stuffing in its favor. un members once again failed to find common ground on cereal with the final day of the general assembly mark to find a mask blaming rebel friendly countries for backing terror and sideline peace. and on rust on notice prizing is claiming more lives as a young dollars and prison where he spent several months for taking part in anti regime protests which are largely ignored by the west.
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oh and thank you for joining our to you this tuesday it's five o'clock here in moscow and karen. well georgia is entering a new political era with president saakashvili admitting defeat for his ruling party in parliamentary elections the opposition bloc georgian dream well now form a new government effectively ending the current regimes decade long monopoly on power parties alexei to show skin has been following the vote count in the b.b.c. . the statement is as sensational as the outcome of the voting may eventually become he already said despite the voting vote counting still continuing that he's party admits defeat and now will work in opposition but despite that statement there are still growing concerns among the opposition members that the governing forces may still be stalling the outcome of this vote the vote count is going very slowly it's less than three million votes to be counted but ever since the polling
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stations closed last night less than thirty percent of the votes have been counted so far and also the international ngo called international transparency in georgia reported a very serious violation to even receive the footage of mosques to men entering a polling station in georgia taking everybody out from the polling stations and the that n.-g. o. claims that the result at this particular polling station was altered in the favor of the ruling party the u.n. am as it stands the opposition party is in the lead with a little more than fifty percent and the governing party the ruling party the unanimous trailing behind with closer to forty percent and as it stands if the such result comes that to be eventually in the end we are in for the first peaceful transition of power in georgia ever since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. the party which will have the majority in the parliament all the alliance of parties will then be able to appoint a prime minister who according to new amendments by the constitution will have the same powers as president next year when saakashvili is that down basically
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saakashvili and his party which proposed these amendments in a way to judge their own hold because nobody expected last year when businessmen eventually form the georgia dream party that anybody could post competition to the ruling party their rating was at the around seventy percent certainly dented move from the opposition unprecedented rise but a large credit on that comes from the scandal which happened in september when the footage of prison abuse and sexual torture in georgian prisons was released causing massive outcry causing mass protests in the streets. of the georgian cities nevertheless the opposition seems to be winning this election and right now the people are celebrating as they were celebrating last night though given the past record of violent protests in georgia nobody can still rule out if this result changes then the people may take to the streets and we still may see some bloodletting action in the streets of georgian cities professor mark almond who's a co-author of the book post communist georgia
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a short history thanks that despite admitting defeat saakashvili is not likely to give up power easily could be a dramatic change or it could be the herald of a period of infighting so surely may well try to shape the situation to both bring a supporter to power to protect him in the future but also to try to split the georgian dream coalition remember it's a rather disparate group of people who have been primarily united by the whole stability to saakashvili even if you like their fear of soccer surely. his admission of defeat in a sense perhaps shows that he's a wounded animal but the would be still a fear that he would use the prerogatives of the president to try to split the opposition or to try to create perhaps a crisis that will restore his position like there's also keeping us updated on what's happening in georgia via his twitter feed he's now citing sources saying that supporters of the opposition are gathering outside the central election commission as they fear there may have been fraud during the vote you can follow
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him for all the latest from the streets of the capital tbilisi. the syrian crisis dominated every day of the un general assembly meeting in new york but fiery speeches and discussions didn't bring the international community any closer to finding a solution when given the floor on the final day of the gathering syria's foreign minister made it clear that peace cannot be reached while several countries persistently arm and finance the opposition parties marina the details. spoke at length about the ongoing eighteen month civil war taking place in his country he accused the u.s. france turkey saudi arabia and qatar of inducing and aiding terrorism in his
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country by those countries actually arming financing and supporting the opposition groups in syria he went on to say that the calls that western countries are making for president bashar al assad to step down is not only provoking more bloodshed in his country but he says it's also a believe an interference in to syria's domestic affairs he said this success of any international effort in syria would require countries including turkey saudi arabia qatar and libya to stop arming funding and training the syrian opposition and to rather encourage dialogue but we heard u.s. president barack obama first call for. president bashar al assad to step down and that his sentiments were. by britain and by france just as the u.s. he says stood by supported and helped liberate the people in libya he would like to see this same thing done in syria but on the other hand you have many other
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countries such as russia china brazil. and so on and so forth saying that there can't be any outside intervention into what's taking place in syria this is a crisis that needs to be decided and between the parties between the syrian government and the opposition but as we've been reporting for the past week everybody's talking about the crisis in syria but not clear how to exactly solve it . damascus says the lion's share of those fighting under the banner of syrian rebels are foreign mercenaries but some reports putting the number at over ninety percent beirut based political analyst roula told us such claims are backed by the videos opposition fighters post online. all the you tube. videos taken by by that evidence that those who oppose the. opposition pages on facebook and elsewhere you could tell from the accent of those. different
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accent from different countries in the arab world i mean the libyans and yemenis and. you know like different nationalities much less you can hear syrian. during those videos where you see the. regime slaughtered by those terrorists the saudis and the authorities there are playing russian roulette if i may say they would like to seize control of the and in their own minds the minds they want to create. throughout it's not. they don't want to implement freedoms and democracy because if they wanted to do so they should have started in their own countries especially in saudi arabia as westerners are firmly fixed on the syrian conflict the slow burning revolt of bahrain is claiming more lives
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a young man has died of prison after having spent several months there for taking part in protests something which he denied his lawyer claims the twenty two year old was refused to adequate health treatment while in detention meanwhile five medics have been jailed in the gulf kingdom for their role in pro-democracy demonstrations in charges which have been condemned as politically motivated by rights groups it's just a day after they and four other doctors lost their appeal. he'll over jail terms in the country's highest court in medics were part of a group which treated protesters injured during the state crackdown on am tired regime demonstrations last february. from the country's largest opposition party says the courts have long been in the rulers as pockets. all international but the national but the is talking about as not just the same but the whole process and look at it the conductor is just in the control of the ruling maybe those who told
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the torture that these medics were not even at the ending to the. station for their call and the court did know it can call up on them to be jailed for some time so let's see the debate list and when it comes to that people. people will be in subjected to. treatment or even killing the court just totally ignoring if there is a guilty but this as you will find turned and saw the as a broker so that's what they're saying and they had to be in prison it's like going to be a judge or others even just expressing their opinions this is the sort of not that it. had an afghanistan nato troops could be out sooner than they previously planned in light of the surge of insider attacks on u.s.
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soldiers and plummeting morales among troops back coming up plus. president logan approve of war instead thing use new energy package could lead to a financial collapse and gas transportation all that and more will break. the sun rises over what seems like and most forest but here in town your reactions quite hundred kilometers north of life are stalk and much of the world it's disappearing and accounts traffic great thanks thanks walkers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system filing down the. forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not
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going to be easy the forest is enormous and our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out and move silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that there's twelve the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the
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region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it just you. know do it there's no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live afterwards do it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change and the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. and welcome back to our team with. meadows. has admitted the alliance's withdrawal from afghanistan could be accelerated due to the taliban strategy insider attacks it comes as the number of u.s. soldiers killed during the invasion and eleven year occupation reached the two
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thousand mark according to the nato secretary general the so-called green on blue attacks on western soldiers have undermined troop morale they've also affected nato afghan relations as the alliance prepares to have security responsibilities to local forces middle east academic adamant from the american university in washington believes nato has brought afghan hostility upon itself. well first of all there are there is the issue of the difficulty of trying to impose order and or a certain kind of order by foreign powers on afghanistan and the other part of it has to do also with the policies which have been pursued by nato in afghanistan these smaller cities have not really transformed they question on the ground they have not greatly improved the lives of the afghan people and they have not contributed to building up. gun infrastructure as some had promised more
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importantly i think what we are seeing is that there is a sponsor from population which a certain extent is reflected by the counter attacks from taliban and its allies there is a great deal of resentment against that tax by drones which have led to the death so many many innocent civilians and afghanistan even the afghan president himself. has called on nato to curb these efforts and stop them because they are ending up killing a lot of innocents and creating a great deal of anger and then pattern isn't powered nato discontent with the conflict is also brewing in the u.k. . next hour we hear from a british m.p. who was banned from the house of commons for his fiery anti-war speech. this war is being probed long by those that have the power to. canada that brought their troops
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home two years ago so the netherlands french new zealanders are coming out early absolutely no reason why you shouldn't bring our troops home now the only reason is that we tied in with the politics of the united states we're an independent state we have to remind ourselves of that we can take our own decisions and what we're going to see in the future is deepening trouble will be more slaughter because of this whole of this fictitious fictitious aims of the war we see to collapse. as europe's economic point deepens more and more people are being forced into the streets by poverty and desperation in the u.k. it's led to an increase in modern day slavery some are taking advantage of those left homeless parties laura smith has more from london. than the mayor here. to be
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a great white like the underbelly in which the vulnerable are exploited by the other group and it's getting the media police and homeless terraces are reporting a rise in human trafficking to the u.k. and the targeting of homeless people who are then forced to work with little or no pay the passive state sensor in london's victoria is the city's biggest voluntary day and so for the homeless say its clients are regularly targeted by gangs both at the center and when they congregate at mobile food bank. what terms to happen is that people are given a promise. is never really fulfilled. so the most recent one we had was someone was approached just outside this very building. where they were told that they could be taken to belgium to get free accommodation so. they were trying to apply it to.
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someone's clearly been drinking the sari will supply you with drink and we give you lots of work. luckily we were able to intervene on that occasion but what times time is when people get there the reality is in some cases it can be a lot more imprisonment in many cases the homeless off the alcohol as a reward all told their families back home will be harmed if they talk about what happened to them and cases many berries. you see in factories and farms across england but his wages were paid so the gang who'd rule him fifty one year old man he would tell me what happened in that ricin in the. black hole in the pepsi prime rate here you. police they must be as good tasting appears to be done by organized gangs and they're getting more successful poem the terraces of reports
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of thirty seven instances of slave labor this year up from twenty two last year a rise of more than seventy percent that also where the gang that traffics people from a town in the way mia as often as twice a week. over at r.t. dot com we've got some news of some high powered social networking russia's prime minister dmitry medvedev has added a famous new friend on facebook find out what the science founder mark zuckerberg was doing in moscow as he met the tech savvy pm. also online at no women cry read about the row over the unusual airbrushing of the current catalog and saudi arabia.
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more than two years in jail and the trial has yet to happen they lawyer for the u.s. soldier bradley manning has again demanded that the charges against him be dropped manning is accused of treason after allegedly transferring top secret files to wiki leaks but the whistleblower support movement is however gaining momentum as artie's christine prison explains. his name. has evolved into a movement a movement with a mission to truth as the points. may be our mutual maybe an idealist state. or a strange world fighting for those who attended the event hope to eventually see accused wiki leaks or bradley manning freed from prison he's already spent eight hundred sixty two days there much of it in solitary confinement and still has not gone to trial we are here because the truth is on trial bradley is not
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a traitor. he's not a spot but a truth teller and i was a former national security agency executive thomas drake is a whistleblower as well like manning charged by the government under the espionage act he revealed information to a reporter with the baltimore sun that the n.s.a. was spying on u.s. citizens he was later found innocent freedom is extraordinarily precious he was a featured speaker along with the government accountability project director jesselyn radack manning friend and co-founder of the bradley manning support network david house duty author and stop before us and journalist chris hedges and others. are. the matter what anyone feels about probably many everyone in america which puts whistleblower is of course transparency and probably many news an example of a young soldier if he was alleged to have blown the whistle so there are kids everywhere she had a good opinion of the young man and the point of the events to raise awareness in
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court but also to raise money donations book sales someone even donated a bottle of wine in california a white called screw everything raised here will go to the probably manning defense fund ever since nine eleven i've been concerned that our civil liberties are in jeopardy and it's pretty obvious that. this is where i came from massachusetts to. here in support of several georgetown law students and professors attended the event many knew very little about manning beforehand i learned definitely more than more knowledge and i came here with it's very important for me to be here you see you have a lot of faith. with a lot worse. but this question here i discussion about a young man and his future and the future of a country's laws and legacy. in washington christine freeze out our t.v. . time for some international news in brief for you now at least twenty people most
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of them students have been killed in northeast nigeria as gunmen opened fire in a hostel the attacks come a day after an operation against an islamic militant group in the town the organization is behind attacks on christians and churches and is reportedly responsible for over six hundred deaths this year. six crew members have been arrested after a pleasure boat and a ferry collided off the coast of hong kong killing thirty seven people the incident occurred as a pleasure boat was carrying more than one hundred people to watch fireworks in the city's harbor the ferry was mostly damaged but the boat sank with people trapped inside. protests and strikes have rocked tunisia as hundreds have the streets to blame the government for failing to fix the faltering economy the birthplace of the arab spring has had renewed rallies against deteriorating living conditions and perceived government collect protests have spread across the country as several regions saw demonstrations in support of
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a number of activists who have been arrested. and dmitri is coming up next with business so the e.u. is under fire for probability made a point and why is that where this is because of the new energy rules the first energy package of visit is separating production transportation and sales of gas well now that improves. and says if you separate transportation it could lead to a financial collapse and this is also given the fact that the us recently launched a and t. trust probe against gas problems is what he had to say. but you might be thinking that because the gears transportation business is separated it will die it exists only through subsidies from production and sales as a business transport is not that attractive and the third energy package separates it which is dangerous. take a look at what's going on in the markets in rush the mood is quite pessimistic
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after a day of have to gains that could be a technical correction but also news is that capital outflow will continue this year well not very much of a surprise actually to investors but it will be around sixty five billion dollars according to the economics ministry it was around eighty billion last year so bad obviously not good secular what's happening over in europe and the mood there is much more optimistic as you can see the foot sea and the backs of the within half a percent now this is on the back of hopes that additional stimulus will come especially for spain as it's about to ask for yet another handout and let's move over to the currencies market on the back of these hopes for stimulus the euro is continuing its gains against the dollar a couple of days like that and we might see one point three versus the greenback in the russian ruble is losing some of the positions that are gained in the previous session on monday. now at c.n.n. k b p is the furred the largest oil producer in russia it's half owned by b.p.
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have found by russian shareholders a group now there of course have been in a long standing conflict the now rosneft and the russian shareholders want to buy out b.p.'s fifty percent now analysts believe that rosneft will win in this but. i don't really think. our would be able to buy out the piece here it's too large so the only real scenario i think right now it would be discussion how really rolls near ft would buy. from mark. from b.p. so rosneft could become number one on the company in the world as a result of this deal potentially but it would be very creative for shareholders of rosneft i don't know i don't think so. all right i'm back in the fifty five minutes time with plenty more business news all right we look forward to thank you to me tree and in a few minutes here on our team it's the latest edition of spotlight to stay with us
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. gracefully. it is a way of life traditionally the people are. also highly skilled and organized. depending. on the day we found this particular camp they were settled near the coast of the sea here four families work together to manage nearly a thousand. people and. they can use almost every single part of the. deer
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is a means of transportation. for the. life in the tundra is harsh and so before winter hits many of the children are helicoptered to the center of the. boarding school. students learn different languages utilize modern technologies through specialized grant programs and even learn arts skills all within a protected the school was founded. a scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas in education. they don't want to trade the modern life. i have returned to the time and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's
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a joyful sight. a sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come. to. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview on our t.v. album and all that and they were a guest on the program. today at. the beginning of the new season in the russian football was surprising and if it to encourage competition among plays the football authorized clubs to recruit more foreign managers praise the move and turn to the west in search for new talent but many fans.


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